Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Query to find profile option values in all levels

select * from fnd_profile_options_tl where user_profile_option_name='FND: Debug Log Enabled';

select * from fnd_profile_option_values where profile_option_id='1000679';

select * from fnd_profile_options where profile_option_name='AFLOG_ENABLED'--0,1000679
SELECT po.profile_option_name "NAME", po.user_profile_option_name,
DECODE (TO_CHAR (pov.level_id),
'10001', 'SITE',
'10002', 'APP',
'10003', 'RESP',
'10005', 'SERVER',
'10006', 'ORG',
'10004', 'USER',
) "LEVEL",
DECODE (TO_CHAR (pov.level_id),
'10001', '',
'10002', app.application_short_name,
'10003', rsp.responsibility_key,
'10005', svr.node_name,
'10006', org.NAME,
'10004', usr.user_name,
pov.profile_option_value "VALUE"
FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl po,
apps.fnd_profile_option_values pov,
apps.fnd_user usr,
apps.fnd_application app,
apps.fnd_responsibility rsp,
apps.fnd_nodes svr,
apps.hr_operating_units org
WHERE 1 = 1
AND pov.application_id = po.application_id
AND pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
AND usr.user_id(+) = pov.level_value
AND rsp.application_id(+) = pov.level_value_application_id
AND rsp.responsibility_id(+) = pov.level_value
AND app.application_id(+) = pov.level_value
AND svr.node_id(+) = pov.level_value
AND org.organization_id(+) = pov.level_value
and po.profile_option_name like '%AFLOG_ENABLED%'

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